Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Louis Vuitton Dog Carrier

You are hot stuff in your new Louis Vuitton Dog Carrier what, you don’t have one yet? How are you getting around this Holiday season might I ask?

Louis Vuitton Dog Carrier’s are perfect for travel and proper holiday pet etiquette they fit under an airline seat quite nicely if you are visiting your in-laws out of state.

eBay has beautiful authentic delicately used Louis Vuitton dog carriers that would make a nice gift for your pet or even better, place a puppy inside and give the gift of unconditional love.

Louis Vuitton dog carriers at Top Pet Pics
Sunday, October 21, 2007

Car Hammock for Pets

Mom made a video the other day and reviewed the Complete Cat Training eBook; it’s kinda cute although she didn’t ask my opinion about it. She’s gone nuts with the web cam. You can read the mini review and watch the video here at Top Pet Pics

Next she’s going to do some research into a new product she’s found called a “Car Hammock for Pets” it straps onto the back of your front seat's head rest and protects your car from wet doggies like me.

Here’s a picture of a Car Hammock if the idea is new to you too. The only unfortunate side effect of this excellent product is if mom buys one I won’t be able to jump into the front seat anymore.

ho, hum,

Well, I’m going to go mess with Bella soon I’ll post some pictures of my cats and upload a new picture of me too.


Technorati Profile
Monday, October 8, 2007

Britney's done it again

While scrolling through the cable channels hanging with mom on the couch I noticed TV shows dedicated strictly to Britney Spears and her custody battle with Kevin. Although it's very sad to lose your children regardless of whose fault it is. It's a little harsh to have a panel show dedicated to rehashing the whole incident again and again.

Mom said while she was at the doctors Monday there was more news on Britney than other issues. I hope that she can pull her life back together and perhaps one day regain custody of her children or that she and Keving can share custody. Now I've been made aware that PETA is recommending Kevin take custody of "London" Britney's Yorkie Terrier as well for doggie abuse. Britney say it isn't so...
Sunday, July 22, 2007

Slinky the Travel Agent

Sorry it’s been so long since my last post. Mom has been so busy at work that she had to stop doing anything fun for the longest time. So I’ve been stuck at home, only getting out for an occasional Wendy’s frostie. Mom’s sick of working so she decided to do something new to get her out of her job ASAP.

So my biggest news of the day is now I’m a Travel Agent doggie. Yep, mom has opened her own online travel agency, she’s been wanting to do it for some time now (travel that is) and what better way to travel then being a Travel Agent.

She gets discounts and FAM trips and is finally meeting new and exciting people which is good for both of us, I’m tired of staying at home too, I want to go to Cancun! I love laying out in the sun as a matter of fact while I was sunning myself today I couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like to visit the beach and play in the water. Sure beats laying in front of the fan at mom’s feet.

She told me that plenty of hotels let pets come on vacation too. So visit my travel site at www.tripsavvytravel.com and be sure to sign up for the deals and steals weekly email newsletter. If you going to book your vacation online anyway I sure appreciate if you would give my site a try. Here’s what I have going on.

All Inclusive Resorts - Airline Flights - Car Rentals – Cruises - Educational Tours - Event Tickets - Golf Vacations - Honeymoon Registry – Hotels – Passports - Religious Tours - Wedding Destinations

See you on the beach!

Trip Savvy Travel
Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Slinky Gets a Bath

I’m not sure which one of us looks less forward to the task of shampooing, me or the dog. He has an aversion to taking a bath and I don’t like giving him one because he dislikes it so. Regardless if it’s the tub or the sink he still has that unhappy look on his face.

I tried delegating the bathing of our dog to my son, but that happens as often as he remembers to feed him. So I get the dog, run the water, gather the flea shampoo, and lock the bathroom door. Once I dip him down in the water and pour it over his fur I say wonderful things that he can’t understand trying to make the experience pleasant for him.

I lather him up with the flea shampoo and then comes the worst part of the bath, the waiting. If you’ve ever used flea shampoo then you know in order for it to be effective it must sit on the dog a few minutes.

He stares at me with those big brown puppy dog eyes and I know he’s thinking why are you doing this to me, I thought you loved me. Ding, goes the timer hooray it is almost over. I quickly rinse him off, grab him out of the tub and towel him dry.

He’s happy again he wiggles and squiggles while I’m drying him off wagging his tail like there’s no tomorrow. I open the door and he shoots out rubbing is little doggie body to the left and right all the way down the hall. I let him do this for a minute or two then it is back to the bathroom for another pass with the towel and the blow dryer. The sad face reappears for a few moments while the blow dryer gets any remaining wetness off him, fortunately for both of us he’s shorthaired!

I’ve narrowed the distaste for bathing down to the water itself since when I take my bath every night he’s the first one in the bathroom. Which brings me to the waterless dog shampoo alternative, I haven’t tried this product yet but I’m looking forward to the experience it has to be easier on one of us don’t you think? Bathing Slinky to be continued…

Is your dog acting like an animal? Tame the wild beast with
Sit Stay Fetch and Stop Your Dog's Behavior Problems

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Top Pet Pics

Whew, got the home page made today, plus a little video to go with it. You may view it here. http://www.toppetpics.com you might have to hit play twice to get it going.

Top Pet Pics also has an eBay Auction for pet supplies for all types of pets under
the sun http://www.toppetpics.com/store

It snowed today for the first time this year here, I played outside for a short period of time. It was cold, the snow was up to my chest so I didn't stay out too long. Got in trouble for getting in the cat box. :(

Well, it's time for me to take another nap. Please go watch the video and post your pictures. Once I get a little better at making video's I'm going to send them to Google Video.

My Windows Movie Maker keeps freezing up, so it was hard to finish my first video the way I wanted it guess I have to wait for the next update.
Saturday, January 20, 2007

Make Your Pet a Star

I've launched a new site "Top Pet Pics" a website where you can create your own pet photo albums to share your pet pictures with your friends, make slideshows and more. I'll be working on my home page today in between naps but you can still upload to the gallery.

We'll pick the photos that get the most stars and our favorties and turn them into videos and send them to Google Video, and other Video Webistes.

Steps are simple

1. Go to Top Pet Pics (read the terms)
2. Register
3. Load Pictures

I'm going to enlist the aid of my Grandma she knows many people with animals. I'm hoping we may get some pictures of some unusual animals too!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Well, I had a lot going on today first was an inspection from the landlord and oops last night I went potty on the rug. I'm ashamed to admit that for my first post but it happens sometimes. I was in the doghouse for a bit this morning but it turned out fine. The landlord didn't come today because it was too cold and she had the flu.

I've got some wonderful adventures for us to enjoy together and don't worry if you are a cat you can join in the fun too. Personally I like cats, as I have two of them for my best friends and we play together a lot, more about that later.

Within the next couple days I'll tell you about my new website. It should be live a day or two. So don't sleep all day visit me again tomorrow and see what I've gotten myself into.

Stubborn Dog?

stub·born/ˈstəbərn/ Adjective: Having or showing dogged determination not to change one's attitude or position on something, esp. in spite of good arguments or reasons... Difficult to move, remove, or cure.

Fix Stubborn - Get The Ultimate House Training Guide

Slinky Dog Blogger