Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Slinky Gets a Bath

I’m not sure which one of us looks less forward to the task of shampooing, me or the dog. He has an aversion to taking a bath and I don’t like giving him one because he dislikes it so. Regardless if it’s the tub or the sink he still has that unhappy look on his face.

I tried delegating the bathing of our dog to my son, but that happens as often as he remembers to feed him. So I get the dog, run the water, gather the flea shampoo, and lock the bathroom door. Once I dip him down in the water and pour it over his fur I say wonderful things that he can’t understand trying to make the experience pleasant for him.

I lather him up with the flea shampoo and then comes the worst part of the bath, the waiting. If you’ve ever used flea shampoo then you know in order for it to be effective it must sit on the dog a few minutes.

He stares at me with those big brown puppy dog eyes and I know he’s thinking why are you doing this to me, I thought you loved me. Ding, goes the timer hooray it is almost over. I quickly rinse him off, grab him out of the tub and towel him dry.

He’s happy again he wiggles and squiggles while I’m drying him off wagging his tail like there’s no tomorrow. I open the door and he shoots out rubbing is little doggie body to the left and right all the way down the hall. I let him do this for a minute or two then it is back to the bathroom for another pass with the towel and the blow dryer. The sad face reappears for a few moments while the blow dryer gets any remaining wetness off him, fortunately for both of us he’s shorthaired!

I’ve narrowed the distaste for bathing down to the water itself since when I take my bath every night he’s the first one in the bathroom. Which brings me to the waterless dog shampoo alternative, I haven’t tried this product yet but I’m looking forward to the experience it has to be easier on one of us don’t you think? Bathing Slinky to be continued…

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