Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Adorable Puppies Playing Video

This is really a cute video and these little Yorkie puppies are having a blast.In the video they show a ball pit they are made for kids but it looks like the puppies are truly enjoying it too! Here's a link to ball pits if you want to take a look at them for your dog. To have a set up similar to the video you would need an extra tunnel and a pack of balls. Of course you can use toys in place of the balls if you choose too. One idea is to get the ball pit first and if your dog likes playing in it then expand.

ball pit toy
Just imagine puppies instead of children!


Stubborn Dog?

stub·born/ˈstəbərn/ Adjective: Having or showing dogged determination not to change one's attitude or position on something, esp. in spite of good arguments or reasons... Difficult to move, remove, or cure.

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