Thursday, August 16, 2012

So You Want to be a All Breed Dog Grooming

All breed dog grooming is for professionals, that is a fact! A dog owner will usually learn how to groom his/her pet according to the breed specificity, but an expert needs training to handle all kinds of dogs of different breeds and sizes. You can learn all breed dog grooming by taking some classes or courses designed especially to meet the needs of those who want to make a living out of this profession. Plenty of schools have appeared over the years, and presently there is even the possibility to take a certification online, through long distance courses. If you choose this alternative make sure that the trainer has authorization for organizing classes.

Once the all breed dog grooming training is complete you can move on to the next level: starting your own business. Local groomers provide most of the pet-related services in a certain neighborhood although vet centers, kennels and rescue centers have their hands full with similar work. A first difficulty with all breed dog grooming is equipment, because you'll have to buy a fully equipped grooming table that comes with all the accessories, since only such a tool is designed for the needs of dogs of all sizes.

The rest of the equipment items are equally important. All breed dog grooming requires a comprehensive range of hair brushes, combs, grinders, clippers and the rest, so that all the challenges of the grooming can be faced successfully. Skill and experience are the advantages that will win you most customers. Be prepared to groom different types of dogs, but hairy ones in particular. The explanation is very simple: a thick-haired dog that needs special coat cutting will be difficult for the owner to groom at home. You'll have to do the job and for good money too! It is neither easy nor cheap, hence, everybody has something to gain.

Lots of books have been publish under the very same title of 'All Breed Dog Grooming'; they are usually written by people who have experience in working with animals and who can share their tips and knowledge with others. Even so, keep in mind that an All-Breed-Dog-Grooming book will not qualify you for doing the job and opening a business. The part with the professional training we've mentioned above stays valid. Any business requires certification and authorization, and those are the first things you should be concerned about!


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