Discover Dog Training Secrets Of The Pros
A dog is considered by many to be a man's best friend, but training a dog is very different from loving or caring for one. Just like anything, learning the proper tips and techniques to train you dog will make your dog better behaved and more enjoyable to be around. This article contains a number of great tips on dog training.
Make sure you listen to your dog. What is he telling you? Your dog's behavior will often give you a window into his mind. Destructive dogs are often bored or anxious. Anxious dogs may act inconsistently with strangers. No matter the trouble, your dog is telling you how he feels when he behaves in situations.
It's easy to let your dog run free when you bring him home for those first few weeks, only to want to later correct behaviors when they aren't adorable anymore. Avoid communication breakdown by starting your training schedule immediately with your new dog, so he has the right idea from the start.
Dogs and puppies that exhibit play biting behavior can be both irritating and dangerous. Although play biting is a normal dog behavior, it is important to teach your dog that mouthy play is unacceptable. When your puppy nips you playfully, make a loud noise and move away, ignoring the puppy. This will teach bite inhibition in a way the puppy understands.
The top mistake any dog owner can make during training is giving up. Giving up too quickly and too easily means that you've given up on your dog's abilities. Your dog needs time, patience, and consistency to grow. Continue working on behaviors in small doses. Your pooch is eager to please, so let him work alongside you.
Watch what sort of activities you are encouraging your dog to do. Sometimes we may perform actions with our dog without realizing that they are training them to do something we dislike. If every time your dog chews something up you send him outside, you are teaching him that chewing something up is the key to getting outdoor time. Be careful with the actions you take, especially ones that tend to be consistent practices.
Be aware of your body language when you are with your dog. Animals are keenly aware of it, and pay more attention to your actions than they do your words. Make sure that you are sending the intended messages of authority and unconditional love to your dog at all times.
Stay calm. Your dog gets his cues from you, and when you start acting agitated and upset, his actions will be sure to follow. Dogs can sense when you are uncomfortable. If you act calm and in control, you convey a disposition to your dog that allows him to relax as well.
Be consistent at all times when training your dog. Dogs need repetition when it comes to learning and remembering rules and rituals. If you are consistent one day, but not the next day, it confuses your dog. Dogs understand consistent black and white training, not various shades of gray.
When training a dog it is important to reward good behavior while punishing bad behavior. Careful effort to maintain a clear distinction between good and bad behavior will go a long way towards overall training of the dog. This will guarantee that the dog knows why it is being rewarded or why it is being punished.
Does your dog jump up on you? Simply turn your back to your dog for a few seconds when she jumps up. Most dogs will quickly learn that jumping up makes you ignore them, but when they have all four feet on the floor, then you pay attention to them.
When training a pet, it's best to start out by giving them a treat every time they do what you want them to. After they get the hang of it, back off the treats and only give them a treat 75% of the time, and continue reducing treats until they only get one occasionally.
As this article has discussed, taking care of or training a dog can be a wonderful experience. However, the dog training process can be challenging if you are not aware of the proper techniques to utilize. Apply this article's advice and you'll be well on your way to training your dog the right way
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