Start a Dog Grooming Business
A dog grooming business can be difficult to grow when you want it functional fast! Marketing seems to be the key to the success of a dog grooming business, as you may have the skills but not know how to market them. A dog groomer is supposed to love animals, that is more than part of the job, but he/she also needs to make the potential customers aware of the benefits of your working on their dogs. First of all, why do people take their pets to a professional groomer? Ask yourself this question and you'll know how to attract customers. Professional services help one save time, effort and promote good pet health.
Specialized equipment and a good work environment are essential for a dog grooming business. Some people even provide mobile services, meaning that the groomer with all the equipment comes at your place and takes care of the dog with everything that grooming implies. Skills are essential for the success of a good dog grooming business. You have to be accredited by the National Dog Groomers Association by passing a special test. Then, another advantage and requirement of this profession is that you understand animals and be able to handle more special personalities.
A wet slippery dog may not be easy to work with, but with gentleness, patience and experience you'll manage things just fine. It is important for the dog owner to believe your dog grooming business trustworthy. Do not underestimate the power of advertising by word of mouth. If you have pleased customers, more people in the neighborhood will be knocking on your door for services. Provide special prices for small sized dogs or for short-haired breeds, as these categories are often neglected. Discounts and bonuses may do the trick for the promotion of the dog grooming business as well.
Keep in mind that a dog grooming business is client oriented, and in time you will learn how to improve services. Suggestions could be very welcome from clients, vets and technicians. If you talk to the veterinarians in the neighborhood you may be able to place some fliers with them and even get the chance of being recommended. The Internet, the local newspapers and classifieds could also work for the right advertising of a dog grooming business. Strategies differ depending on the market, but with skills, experience and some marketing tactics, you should be able to earn you a decent living.
How Much to Charge for Grooming Dogs
Dog grooming prices vary depending on the business that provides the services: pet stores, pet spas, groomers' shops, boarding kennels and so on. The costs are also directly related to the size of the dog, the typical treatments and the thickness of the hair. In case you have not decided where to go for help with the grooming, you can check online and see what dog grooming prices are asked by the local businesses corresponding to your pet's specifics.
The complexity of the cut and the thickness of the hair are the most relevant for dog grooming prices. Thus, you will pay up to $50 for small and medium breeds with short thin hair. Even for larger breeds that do not require anything complex, the prices are affordable, ranging between $50 and $70. Higher costs come with giant breeds or dogs that need very complex cuts like Poodles or Bernese Mountain dogs and several others.
Dog grooming prices are very popular for bath-only grooming that is suitable for breeds with short hair which cover bathing, ear cleaning and nail trimming in just one. The costs for such services taken separately would be higher, but since these dogs are very small and raise no difficulties in terms of grooming, the savings are considerable. The pet can thus enjoy both bathing and grooming in one session at the same time.
Dog grooming prices are higher in certain parts of the country or in luxurious salons like pet spas. Needless to say that there are people willing to pay a lot of money to have their pets pampered, but the services are definitely not for all pockets. It sounds like wasted money to pay some hundreds of dollars for dog grooming or nail clipping, even if we are talking about complex cuts and special materials. The decision belongs entirely to the dog owner and so is the choice of the right grooming services.
Consult the list of services included in the dog grooming prices: usually there should be nail trimming, ear cleaning, bathing and hair cutting in a certain style. Additional costs for extra services that can raise up the bill include flea-killing shampoo, de-matting, tooth brushing, anal glands cleaning and skunk odor removal.
Puppies usually get discounts and there are even service providers that work in a referral system supported by a special program. According to this program, the client can get discounts or even free grooming when certain conditions are met. It's worth checking for such facilities particularly when you have a breed that requires complex grooming.
Talented Dogs Jumping Rope Video
Uchida Geinousha's 'Super Wan Wan Circus' based in Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan, offers a unique act for its audience; the incredible sight of 13 dogs skipping on a rope.
How to Clip Your Dog's Nails
Nail clippers are the essential tools for dog nail grooming, working for both professional and home use. Clippers are available in many sizes and models, and all you have to do is choose the one that suits your dog's size or breed. Medium-sized clippers usually work on all breeds except for very large dogs. Grinders are an alternative to clippers that lots of groomers prefer, and which should definitely prove suitable for a wide range of dog nail grooming applications.
Clippers cut and grinders smooth off edges. Both tools can be used in parallel or in support of each other because dog nail grooming is complex and sometimes risky. Certain clippers have a guard attached that prevents cutting too much nail, nevertheless, this feature partly blocks vision and you could cut tissues close to the nail without realizing it. This kind of injury is very possible if the groomer is inexperienced or uses improper tools.
There are very professional items for dog nail grooming that allow for the stemming of the bleeding by the cauterization of the vein that gets touched with the clippers. The problem with dog nail grooming is that you have to be very careful and maximize the dog's comfort, or you risk to make the animal nervous and agitated, thus reducing the chances of trimming the nails properly.
Why is dog nail grooming so important? Well, long nails can be very painful for animals, particularly when they live indoors and have few opportunities to smooth the nails against the ground. Ingrown nails are another risk and threat which affect dogs with improperly trimmed nails. Listen to your dog walking on hard floors, and if they click, then, dog nail grooming is a must right away.
Sometimes, dog nail grooming requires smoothing or filing because lots of dogs have very brittle nails that splinter when you cut them short. Consider your dog's tolerance and disposition when trimming nails. You don't have to cut them all, right away; you can allow for breaks and slow work so that the animal is not forced to keep the toes firm for more than 30 seconds at once. There have been cases when pets have bitten their masters during this kind of grooming episodes.
Lots of pets get used to dog nail grooming in time. Sometimes careful handling enables rapid tolerance. You can use the reward system to help the animal adapt: cut one nail then reward the pet with a tiny treat. Wait for a while, then move on to the next nail.
Training For Your Golden Retriever
With the term training in mind, there are several different meanings involved. When you are looking to train your Golden Retriever, you have a few options available to you. Below, we will take a look at the many types of training for your Golden, and help you decide when type of training is best for both you and your Golden.
Behavior training Behavior training teaches a Golden Retriever to be a good dog in general. The training involved includes house breaking, good general behavior around people and pets, leash training, and other types of things that will make him a better companion. Dogs that who passed obedience training and well composed - no matter where you decide to take them.
Activity training Activity training teaches Golden Retrievers various activities such as hunting, herding, search and rescue, and several other tricks that you can do together. Activity training is very popular with the Golden breed, as it helps to make the relationship between you and your pet a lot more interesting. By concentrating on activities that the Golden breed was bred to do, activity training is always very beneficial to your Golden Retriever.
Obedience training Obedience training teaches your Golden how to perform various activities. This type of training focuses on general behavior as well, teaching the dog to be well behaved. Most dogs who go through a class in obedience training turn out to be well behaved and will listen to your commands and shouldn’t do things such as chewing and barking for no reason. If you want your Golden to be well behaved and obedient, you should enroll him in a obedience training class as soon as you can.
Keep in mind that there are certain lines and distinctions with each type of training. If you choose obedience training for example, then your Golden Retriever won’t get any help with his behavior. When you select a class for your Golden, you always want to select a class that fits his needs at that time. If you are having trouble controlling your dog, you may want to start him off with behavior training, which is what most Golden owners tend to do.
When you look for a training class, you should also know what area your dog needs help with. Sometimes, a behavior pattern can be the result of boredom, which can easily be fixed by spending more time with your dog. Once you have spent more time with him, you’ll sometimes notice his patten to stop. Other times however, he may need a bit more help with certain behavior patterns, which is where training comes into play. Although Golden Retrievers are smart dogs, they won’t know if they are doing something wrong unless you show them.
Before you can train your Golden puppy, you need to know what to teach him. Golden puppies adore routines, and feel more at ease than ever if they are on a schedule that they can predict. When you take your dog to training, you should always be patient with him and reassure him that he is doing good. As your Golden gets older and begins to learn new things, he will never forget his training. In the unlikely event that he starts to slip on some of his training, you can always let him go through a course again to brush up on the techniques. This way, no matter how old your Golden Retriever gets, he will always be the ideal companion that you have grown to love over the years.
Dogs Jumping into Water Video
4 dogs jumping into water at an Ultimate Air Dogs contest at a pet show in Cleveland Ohio. The chocolate lab at the end reaches 20'
German Shepherds Dogs
Dogs known as German Shepherds were initial shown at shows in Germany from the nineteenth century nonetheless they had been hardly Shepherds as you may know them these days getting rough covered, brief tailed and rather resembling mongrels. The German Shepherd Dog as now that we know it didn’t truly seem until immediately after World War II.
The breed is continues to grow enormously in popularity and it is now possibly essentially the most common pedigree breeds inside the United kingdom and United States they are nonetheless the extensively most used breed of forces particularly the police and they are broadly employed for security reasons.
It really is a fine sight to see a properly-trained German Shepherd together with his handler, operating well for everyone’s safety. Regrettably amongst the saddest site could be the poor GSD accustomed to guard premises regularly chained up alone in a dismal grimy yard.
The German Shepherd is truly a extremely intelligent animal who'll show fantastic devotion to his master but he's your dog that requires companionship and stimulation to turn into at his best.
If you are considering acquiring a German Shepherd like a pet and also you haven't formerly possessed one you should investigate the breed and speak with experienced dog owners to make sure that you just completely recognize what you're coping with.
German Shepherds do indeed make wonderful loved ones pets but you need to maintain in thoughts that this could be a operating breed which they are performing have certain qualities that might make certain they may be harder than your average Retriever, Labrador or Collie.
The qualities from the good operating GSD ought to be firmness of nerve, attentiveness, unshockability, tractability, watchfulness, reliability, and incorruptibility together with courage tenacity and hardness.
This is a breed that demands considerable time, stimulation, training and use - you won't ever put on them out, they're going to be ready for added. A bored, lonely GSD may be really destructive and could cause a terrific deal of home harm inside a brief time period.
Possibly a couple of the much less endearing traits with the breed could be the inclination to be genuinely vocal which could be a sizable nuisance and may be a problem with neighbors. Furthermore they shed hair in copious amounts all through the year in order that your vacuum functions overtime and it's unlikely that the clothes and furnishings is ever going to be free from dogs fur.
The greatest difficulty with the German Shepherd Dog is always that to some big extent the breed has been spoilt by irresponsible breeding by unskilled back street dog breeders who care absolutely nothing about protecting the breed only about creating money within the selling of young puppies. Well being and temperament troubles are very frequent, so you ought to take an expert and take a look at and find out a trustworthy source if you are considering acquiring a puppy.
Dog Hides in Bathtub Video
My dog loves to hide in the bathtub when she hears the neighbors.
Dog Grooming Video Training
A dog grooming video is most commonly a form of didactic material used to train people for pet care professions. There is almost no Internet course or learning program that does not include a dog grooming video for any lesson or section explained. People who prefer to train for a new profession at home depend on such materials to understand the practical parts of the occupation and eventually develop skills. Presently the Internet is full of video materials that have nothing didactic to them: you can find funny stuff filmed by amateurs or professional videos shot for very clear purposes. Thus, whether for entertainment or sheerly practical, a dog grooming video could help you out with dog care.
If you can't afford to pay for professional pet maintenance, a dog grooming video could be really useful to learn how to de-mat the pet's hair or how to trim nails. However, the quality and the source of the video are very important. There are many amateurish materials that could teach you wrong and your attempts to groom the dog could be a huge failure. Choose the dog grooming video well before you can be sure the information is trustworthy and applicable. The quality of the video also says something about the validity of the information.
People who own dogs that require more special maintenance should be very careful with putting into practice the tips in a dog grooming video because they could make a mess out of the pet's coat. Grooming very hairy dogs is something to be left to professionals, and you could only carry out very simple tasks such as daily brushing and nail filing. Another inconvenience here is that heavy-coated dogs require the use of special grooming tools that you may not have around the house. Plus, there is no room for improvisations, and everything has to be carried out carefully and with consideration for the dog.
An unhappy experiment initiated on the basis of a dog grooming video could make your pet scared of grooming. Animals don't like nail trimming for instance; well this could become a nightmare if you scare it once by being clumsy or unprepared for the challenge. Most problems appear because people tend to perceive the operations conducted in a demonstrative dog grooming video as very easy. The thing is that those whom you see in the videos are probably professionals that have the right skills and experience to move that fast. When you lack both, your attempt to home groom could be a disaster!
What About Dog Grooming Tables
Any groomer depends on the dog grooming table as the main piece of equipment. How can one cut hair, de-mat or trim nails when one cannot have a comfortable body position? A dog grooming table allows one to get the dog at a reasonable height for easy access to the nails, coat, eyes and ears. The applications of a dog grooming table are manifold, and the use is extensive in all salons. Moreover, lots of other tools depend on the table for proper functionality. This is the case with the grooming loop or noose that keeps the animal as still as possible while on the table. Grooming would be a nightmare and virtually impossible without such basic equipment.
A groomer can choose from many dog grooming table models; diversity comes with differences not only in design, but in price and efficiency as well. It is advisable to buy tables that have a grooming arm or noose incorporated so that you may pay less than you would by making separate purchases. Electric, stationary or hydraulic, the dog grooming table eases work a lot. By far the most expensive models are electric because they allow the table surface to drop or raise at a comfortable height depending on the size of the dog.
Hydraulic tables work in a very similar way but they are less costly. There is no stooping or bending, and you don't have to lift large dogs to the work level. If the more expensive designs are not an option, you can always try the stationary dog grooming table with adjustable legs. The table height can be adjusted manually, as the legs can be locked at whatever level you need. Besides these adjustment criteria, you can also select a dog grooming table according to the table top size. Private users normally buy a dog grooming table for home use, according to the size of the dog.
Both pets and owners greatly benefit from the advantages of a dog grooming table installed at home. The initial investment could be justified if your pet requires lots of grooming sessions per month. Instead of taking the pet to the salon, you can perform the grooming routine yourself thus cutting back on costs. This is usually possible for small or medium-sized dogs with not-too-thick hair. Otherwise, the dog grooming table remains an item of professional usage that is necessary to any pet treatment center, spa or veterinarian center. The choice of the model is normally influenced by the budget and the usage extent.
Attend Dog Grooming School
A challenging but very rewarding profession, dog grooming requires special training or education. The first and most popular choice is that of attending a dog grooming school, but there is always the possibility of taking Internet courses. In-person practicals are probably the most important part of the training process. Working on a live pet, learning about the various needs of the animals that are met by grooming represent essential stages for the creation of skills. A dog grooming school could also provide courses for placement assistance, vet technician training and several other specializations that can become the basis for a solid career.
Home study programs represent an alternative to a classic dog grooming school. The majority of programs are structured so as to take no more than six or eight weeks to complete. The program should be accredited by an official institution, and it is a good idea to check for the accreditation with the Better Business Bureau. There are colleges, trade schools or community colleges that take into consideration the education achieved in a dog grooming school or the certification obtained in a home study program. If you have such options available and you take interest in such a career, then, it's worth giving it a try.
Between the home or Internet study options and the real in-person instruction at a dog grooming school, the latter variant is definitely the most convenient. If you don't find satisfactory information on the Internet, you can ask the local groomers about the school that they attended. You have all the advantages imaginable if you go to a local institution because this means that you'll be able to practice directly on animals and thus develop the skills properly. Then, there comes the issue of tools, because Internet courses and home programs do not supply the necessary tools.
Tools are available with the dog grooming school supplies and you will not have to invest at this stage; you can wait until later when you have the money or you want to open your own business. After you graduate the program of a dog grooming school you will be a certified groomer with the possibility to go for an independent business career or to get a job in a pet salon, vet or rescue center. Last but not least, if you have several school options to choose from, it is important to compare their programs as well as the costs of your education.
Fundamental Dog Training Video - Hey everybody! If you want to learn how to train your dog, first watch the video above for the fundamentals of training and start to learn how your dog thinks. Once you get inside your dog's head you can more easily see your way to training your dog more easily. Also check out the website above for more training that will take care of the training for you and really make it easy for you to train your dog yourself. Now, it takes a bit of time, but it isn't hard, and you'll get it done no matter how bad your dog currently is once you understand more. I have a vested interest in the site above, to let you know - it is a very good package and you'll learn a lot. So after you learn more about your dog in the video and at the site above, you'll be on your way to a better behaved dog and a better relationship with your dog too! Good Luck!
Dog Trainer Methods - An Examination Of Different Styles of Dog Training
There are many methods that dog trainers use to achieve training results. When all is said and done, though, there are two main training methods that are most common. Those methods are what I term 'Old School Trainers' and 'New School Trainers'. This article will examine in detail the pros and cons of these methods.
1- Old school dog trainers- These are the types of dog trainers that use an over-abundance of force. They are known for being harsh, heavy-handed, and can be brutal at times. They are known for yelling, smacking, and doing other things that can be harmful to the family dog. This style of training was made popular by a famous Hollywood trainer named Bill Koehler. While Koehler made many advancements and contributed a lot of methods to the dog training world there are several areas where his methods were too harsh or over the top.
This style of training is outdated and doesn't get the job done. This type of training is not recommended. While it is possible to get some results with this style most of the time you'll find that you lose the character of the dog and the relationship between the dog and owner. Unfortunately, there are many a dog trainer who prescribes to these methods. The end result, typically, are dogs who are depressed, down trodden, even fearful of their owners. When too much correction is used in dog training the results suffer.
2- New school dog trainers- These are the types of trainers that only use treats and refuse to use corrections or other deterrents for molding their dog's behavior. They believe that any sort of physical correction is cruel and uncalled for. They warn against using training collars or other devices that would give a physical correction to a dog.
The problem with this style of training is that it isn't complete. It doesn't follow the model that dogs themselves use for learning and it doesn't achieve a level of obedience that is very useful. It's easy to get a dog to do something for a treat, but not easy to do that when there are heavy distractions. Unfortunately, as well, there is many a dog trainer that prescribes to this method of training. These types of trainers love dogs and do great job in getting very basic obedience they tend to fall short in advanced obedience, fixing dog aggression, heavy destruction problems and more. I always tell people to picture a scenario in their head. Imagine a dog is running towards the street to chase a cat or a ball. The owner screams to the dog to come back because he or she recognizes the impending danger. What is the dog going to choose? To come back to get a treat? Or to continue chasing the ball towards the street and possibly get hit by a car? Most people realize that the dog is more likely to continue the chase because treat training will only go so far.
The best style of training is what I call a 'stabilized approach' to training. That is where we use corrections in training but we do so in a way that is humane and fair. Corrections can be a spray bottle, a training collar or other method that is designed to get the dog's attention and not cause harm or pain.
We also use a lot of motivation but we use more physical and verbal praise than we do use treats. In the place of treats we use patting the dog, showing affection, and verbal rewards.
The ideal is that we have a dog that learns that obedience is a necessary rule but that it's also fun to be obedient. This allows for more balance in the training methods and isn't too polarized on either end of the spectrum. One ends up with a dog who is not only obedient, but is obedient even with bigger distractions. Using this method of training we've been very successful in fixing things like aggressive dogs, behavior problems, destruction problems, separation anxiety, off leash obedience training and so much more.
When it comes to dog training, remember that it is never good to be too extreme on one end or the other. Proper balance and stability is the key to having the best trained dog.
Ty Brown is a Salt Lake City dog trainer and the owner of CommuniCanine Inc., recognized as Utah's #1 dog training company. CommuniCanine specializes in fixing aggressive dogs and advanced obedience training.
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Important Dog Grooming Equipment
Dog grooming equipment is a necessity when you are a professional groomer or when you take care of your pet's needs at home. There are lots of items that you can buy but not all of them are really necessary, and not all come handy for a certain pet. The supplies we are going to discuss here are usually used in professional grooming salons to make the grooming process a lot easier and comfortable for the animals. The best idea is to start with a minimum dog grooming equipment that is well chosen and customized to fit your needs.
Probably the most important item of dog grooming equipment is the table. It is very difficult to work on a pet by standing or sitting in a very uncomfortable position. Therefore, you need to get the dog to the height you can easily trim nails, brush hair and even wash. Cheap or expensive, grooming tables are available in a high range of models and designs. Stationary tables, electric tables or hydraulic tables, you can take your pick according to budget and needs. Consider this item of dog grooming equipment very seriously, because it is essential for work.
Equally important are the dog grooming brushes; they come in a variety of models and require careful matching to the dog breed. Dogs with long thick hair will require more special grooming and the use of rather complex dog grooming equipment, with the alternation of several types of brushes. Not the same thing can be said about short-haired breeds that are a lot easier to groom. Scissors, clippers, blades and all sorts of combs are other items of dog grooming equipment with a high utility rate.
The supplies in any dog grooming equipment are usually available with regular pet shops or larger pet stores. They can also be ordered online from very many dealers and sometimes for more advantageous prices. Do not rush into investing a lot of money in dog grooming equipment unless you are going to use each item consistently and continuously. Although taken separately many of the items seem cheap, when you add them all and get the total cost, you'll see it's a small fortune that you may not actually afford.
Dog grooming equipment doesn't have to be complex to meet regular pet needs, and diversity is necessary only for business purposes in general. Therefore, carefully consider what is and isn't practical and then start spending money.
House Training Puppies Video
Potty Training Puppy Apartment. has the solution. The Potty Training Puppy Apartment has taken all the benefits of the most popular potty training methods and combined them into one magical device and potty training system. This device and system has revolutionized how modern puppies are potty trained. Potty training a puppy is just a click away. Potty training your puppy or dog has never been easier!
Gog Grooming Tips
Not everybody can afford to constantly pay for professional dog grooming, which is why lots of people cover this pet care at home effectively and safely. Here are some dog grooming tips that can help you enjoy your pet's look without having to pour money into other people's pockets. The breed is important as well as the anatomical structure because every dog has different needs according to these two elements.
Choose brushes carefully because they have to match the hair thickness and length. Two brushes should be enough if you get the right ones. For a good choice, read some dog grooming tips related to coat care specific for your dog's breed. Check pictures and then find the items either at the local pet store or directly online from various dealers.
Read dog grooming tips about how to clean the dog's ears. Hair, wax and dirt make a very unpleasant combination building up in the ear canals and reducing the auditive acuity of your pet. Pull out the long hair and thus prevent the wax from accumulating. Use some special accessories that you put on the fingers when gripping this hair, because both scissors and the naked fingers can cause damage to the tissues.
Clipping toenails is another challenge, and many home dog grooming tips can help you with it. Pet owners don't like long claws because they mean damage to the carpets, floors and unpleasant scratching. You'll just need a pair of nail clippers and a few dog grooming tips about how to cut the nails without hurting the dog and keeping the discomfort minimum. Read online materials and even ask the veterinarian for recommendations.
The eyes also require special care, particularly since dog's tearing has a staining effect. While some breeds are prone to tearing, with others, tears are a sign of an existent medical condition. A bit of hydrogen peroxide in warm water should reduce the discoloration on light colored dogs but you have to be extremely careful and not get too close to the eyes. Such a solution is strictly valid for the stained area, and may not always prove a good dog grooming solution.
With the right dog grooming tips, you should be able to create a healthy routine to keep your dog looking great. You should nevertheless be aware of the fact that grooming needs to be performed regularly, and that you should have time to take care of it every week. The condition of the hair and the nails rapidly deteriorates without proper care and you will notice the difference that comes with this kind of negligence.
Choosing The Right Breeder
When you decide to get a new Golden Retriever puppy, the first choice you will face is where to get your puppy from. No matter how hard you try, it’s nearly impossible to know whether or not the puppy you are buying will grow up to be healthy and strong. In order to even assume that your puppy will grow up to be healthy, you’ll need to trust the individual you get your Golden from.
There are three options available to you, in terms of breeders. You should carefully think about each one, as they all will vary. Below are the three options you have to choose from, and a little bit of information to help you make this very important decision.
Dealer or pet shop A pet shop is simply the worst place that you can get your Golden Retriever puppy. The puppies they have for sale here are bred poorly, and raised in poor locations to say the least. At these types of places, the puppies are thought of as a profit and nothing more. There is little to no emphasis on quality here either - as pet shops prefer quantity over qualify.
Due to the way the puppies are bred and raised, pet shops make quite a bit of profit. With there being so little that goes into the breeding and care of the puppies, pet shops make a lot of money. They mainly rely on impulse buying, not giving you a lot of time to evaluate the puppies that they have for sale. If you’re looking for an addition to your family, and a puppy that you know is healthy, you’d be better off looking somewhere else for your puppy.
Backyard breeders Backyard breeders are considered to be yet another poor choice for your puppy. Almost all backyard breeders are people who own a few Golden’s and find it to be fun to breed their female for the fact of having puppies, or breed her once or twice before they decide to go ahead and get her spayed. Backyard breeders don’t look for quality or go out of their way to care for their litters, as they are more or less breeding to make money - and nothing more.
Normally, backyard breeders know very little about the breed in general, and even less about how to properly care for their Golden Retrievers. Backyard breeders normally aren’t familiar with the problems associated with breeding, and most could care less. Their only goal here is to breed Golden Retriever puppies. Once the puppies have been bred, their remaining goal is to sell the puppies as fast as they can - for the highest possible price.
Hobby breeders A hobby breeder is the ideal way to get your Golden puppy. Hobby breeders are loyal, committed, and think of their pups as more than just a hobby. Although they do make money breeding, they could honestly care less. Hobby breeders care more about the quality of their puppies than anything else, and they commit themselves to helping you get the best Golden Retriever pup possible.
Hobby breeders accept responsibility for each one of their puppies, and they stand behind each and every one of their pups. If you want the best pup you can get for your money, you need to visit a hobby breeder. They very rarely produce poor quality Golden Retriever puppies, as they care a lot about quality. If you get your Golden puppy from a hobby breeder, you can rest assured that you getting a healthy puppy from the start.
Crate Training Your Golden
A lot of people normally have the wrong conception when it comes to crates. This conception leads people to believe that crates are a punishment for dogs, and therefore they won’t use them. Much to the contrary, crates are actually one of the safest places you can put your Golden Retriever, which also gratifies his natural instincts to situate himself within a den.
If you have a crate and leave it open, your Golden will start to go to it when he gets sleepy or when he gets confused. Although Golden’s tend to like crates, you shouldn’t overuse one by allowing him to spend hours at a time inside of one. While you should be training him to get used to the crate, you should never allow him out if he is barking. Once your Golden starts to appreciate the crate, you can leave him in it for a few hours here and there - such as when you are away from home.
When you get your puppy and bring him home for the first time, you should already your crate there and situated where you want it to be. You should set the crate up in a central area, but never in areas that have a lot of traffic. Most people who use crates tend to leave them in the kitchen near a door, so the Golden can go outside whenever he needs to relieve himself.
Once you bring the puppy home, you should put him inside the house and allow him to start searching for the crate. Leave the door to the crate open, and the Golden puppy should start to wander in and out of it. You can also put a toy or dog treat inside the crate, to give your puppy extra incentive to enter. Once he goes inside praise him, and let him know that he is doing the right thing.
If your Golden Retriever stays in the crate on his own, praise him for it. Once your puppy starts getting in the habit of going into the crate on his own, you should place a new toy or treat inside for him to play with. After a while, you can close the door and see how he reacts. If he starts to whine, you can talk to him and put your fingers through the door, although you should never immediately take him out - instead wait for him to settle down.
Even though it may take some time, crate training is great for your Golden. You can use the crate when you need to leave, when you have family over, or for when your Golden has a medical condition such as diarrhea. If you use a bit of patience and never use the crate for punishment - your Golden Retriever puppy should catch on to the crate pretty quick.
House Breaking Your Golden Retriever
To help your dog learn the right way to relieve himself, you should always praise him when he goes to the right location. You can crate him at night, then take him out when he wakes up in the morning and show him the correct spot. Give him some time, then praise himself once he starts to go. If you avoid accidents, you should be able to train your Golden without any problems. Once accidents begin to happen though, it can be extremely hard to break the pattern.
When you house break your dog, you should never give him any freedom. Getting it right is a lot of work for him, and chances are he’d rather be doing something else. If you are tolerant with him and allow him to make mistakes, you’ll find yourself needing to be a lot more stern to break him of the bad habits that you have tolerated and allowed. If you start when your Golden is young and enforce the rules, he’ll be a happy member of your family in no time at all.
When you house break, you should use confinement as much as possible. Confinement basically means that until you have housebroken your Golden Retriever, he isn’t allowed to freely move around the house. You should always keep a watchful eye on him and make sure that if he’s outside the crate - you know where he is at all times and what he is doing.
If you happen to take your eyes off of him even for a second, he could easily relieve himself on the floor. Once he starts to go on the floor, it can be really hard to break him of this habit. The smell will be there, and he will smell it the next time he is in that area. Each time he smells it, he will instantly go to the bathroom in that same area. The best way to prevent this from happening is to watch him at all times and ensure that he only goes in the area you have for him.
To housebreak your Golden Retriever, you should also allow him a way outside. Normally, a doggy door is the best way to do this, as your puppy can go outside and relieve himself when the time comes, without disturbing you. You should also use puppy pads or a litter box inside as well, so that he always has somewhere to relive himself. During times when he can’t make it outside, he needs somewhere else that he can go.
Housebreaking your Golden Retriever can take you some time, although it will be well worth it once your Golden is properly trained. He’ll be an essential member of your family, and not use the bathroom anywhere he takes a notion. He will only relieve himself outside or in an area that you have trained him. Golden Retriever’s need interaction with people, and if you are going to keep them inside - you’ll need to ensure that they have been properly house broken.
Crate Training Your Dog - How to Efficiently Crate Train your Canine Companion
Many people believe that crate training your large dog is cruel in nature, but on the contrary, this method of training is not only effective, but teaches a dog a fundamental lesson, keep your living area clean. Uneducated dog owners do not understand what crate training is all about. Crate training a dog is a wonderful way to give your furry friend a safe place to go when he is tired, when you cannot be with him, and will save your carpet and your house overall. It's important to remember that crate training a large dog of any age is effective and completely humane.
What Crate Training Entails Crate training a dog refers to placing your dog in a large crate or kennel when you are not around them to ensure that they go potty in the correct place. A crate can either be a wire type cage that locks or it can be the plastic variety. If you visit your local pet store you will see that there are varying sizes of crates, which are also called kennels. When you are crate training a larger dog you will want to purchase a crate that will be large enough for the dog to stand up and turn around in, even when they are full grown. If you are crate training a puppy you may have to buy a large crate now, but it makes more sense to buy a crate that will serve the purpose for the long haul.
The prices of crates really vary depending on the quality and the material used in creating the crate. Smaller crates are obviously less costly but it is important that you buy a crate large enough for your dog after its fully grown. A crate will lock securely so that when you are away from home your dog will have a safehaven to run back to. You can create your own crate if you are inclined to do so, but you will want to be sure that there are no sharp edges and that your dog cannot get his or her head wedged in any gaps or holes.
A crate really should be a second home to your pet. You can make it comfortable with a blanket or padding and a water bottle which should always be hung on the outside of the crate. This will give your dog everything they need when you are away, so you simply have the option to place them in their crate and walk away. Crate Training a Dog Works Wonders Crate training a dog works because dogs do not like to make a mess within their living space.
The crate will be comfortable and the dog will soon associate it with sleep and rest. This natural tendency to keep the living space clean is why crate training works with almost every dog. This technique makes potty training easier since you will only have to open the crate and take the dog directly outside in order for him/her to go potty. Not only is crate training great for housebreaking, but it can create opportunities to create several other great habits for your dog later on as they become older.
Crate training a dog is a very rewarding experience for both the pet owner and the dog. Most large dog breeds love their crates, so there is no reason to worry that crate training a dog will have negative side effects. With a crate that is big enough and water provided, your dog will find its crate a great place to be.
About Author: Large Dog specific health tips, training, and breeder information are gathered within our online large dog community gateway. Visit us for more Large dog training information.
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The Deerhound Do They Chase Deers?
The Deerhound is one of the most decorative of dogs, impressively stately and picturesque wherever he is seen, whether it be amid the surroundings of the baronial hall, reclining at luxurious length before the open hearth in the fitful light of the log fire that flickers on polished armour and tarnished tapestry; out in the open, straining at the leash as he scents the dewy air, or gracefully bounding over the purple of his native hills. Grace and majesty are in his every movement and attitude, and even to the most prosaic mind there is about him the inseparable glamour of feudal romance and poetry.
From remote days the Scottish nobles cherished their strains of Deerhound, seeking glorious sport in the Highland forests. The red deer belonged by inexorable law to the kings of Scotland, and great drives, which often lasted for several days, were made to round up the herds into given neighbourhoods for the pleasure of the court, as in the reign of Queen Mary. But the organised coursing of deer by courtiers ceased during the Stuart troubles, and was left in the hands of retainers, who thus replenished their chief's larder.
The head should be broadest at the ears, tapering slightly to the eyes, with the muzzle tapering more decidedly to the nose. The muzzle should be pointed, but the teeth and lips level. The head should be long, the skull flat rather than round, with a very slight rise over the eyes, but with nothing approaching a stop. The skull should be coated with moderately long hair which is softer than the rest of the coat. The nose should be black (though in some blue-fawns the colour is blue) and slightly aquiline. In the lighter-coloured dogs a black muzzle is preferred. There should be a good moustache of rather silky hair, and a fair beard.
The ears should be set on high, and, in repose, folded back like the Greyhound's, though raised above the head in excitement without losing the fold, and even, in some cases, semi-erect.The ear should be soft, glossy, and like a mouse's coat to the touch, and the smaller it is the better. It should have no long coat or long fringe, but there is often a silky, silvery coat on the body of the ear and the tip. Whatever the general colour, the ears should be black or dark-coloured.
Neck and shoulders:-
The neck should be long that is, of the length that befits the Greyhound character of the dog. The nape of the neck should be very prominent where the head is set on, and the throat should be clean-cut at the angle and prominent. The shoulders should be well sloped, the blades well back, with not too much width between them.
Stern should be tolerably long, tapering, and reaching to within 1-1/2 inches of the ground, and about 1-1/2 inches below the hocks. When the dog is still, dropped perfectly straight down, or curved. When in motion it should be curved when excited, in no case to be lifted out of the line of the back. It should be well covered with hair, on the inside thick and wiry, underside longer.
The eyes should be dark: generally they are dark brown or hazel. The eye is moderately full with a soft look in repose, but a keen, far-away gaze when the dog is roused. The rims of the eyelids should be black.
Body: The body and general formation is that of a Greyhound of larger size and bone. Chest deep rather than broad, but not too narrow and flat-sided. The loin well arched and drooping to the tail.
Legs and feet:-
The legs should be broad and flat, a good broad forearm and elbow being desirable. Fore-legs, of course, as straight as possible. Feet close and compact, with well-arched toes. The hind-quarters drooping, and as broad and powerful as possible, the hips being set wide apart. The hind-legs should be well bent at the stifle, with great length from the hip to the hock, which should be broad and flat.
The hair on the body, neck, and quarters should be harsh and wiry, and about 3 inches or 4 inches long; that on the head, breast, and belly is much softer. There should be a slight hairy fringe on the inside of the fore and hind-legs, but nothing approaching to the feathering of a Collie. The Deerhound should be a shaggy dog, but not over coated.
Colour is much a matter of fancy. But there is no manner of doubt that the dark blue-grey is the most preferred. Next come the darker and lighter greys or brindles, the darkest being generally preferred. Yellow and sandy-red or red-fawn, especially with black points i.e., ears and muzzle are also in equal estimation.
From 28 inches to 30 inches, or even more if there be symmetry without coarseness, which, however, is rare. Height of bitches: From 26 inches upwards. There can be no objection to a bitch being large, unless she is too coarse, as even at her greatest height she does not approach that of the dog, and, therefore, could not well be too big for work, as over-big dogs are.
Training A Dachshund
Dachshunds are short-legged, long-bodied dogs belonging to the hound family. Owing to their long narrow build, they are often called sausage dogs. They are clever, lively and courageous with all their senses well-developed. They are also very tolerant and loyal to the children of the house. Training a Dachshund is a slightly difficult task though it can be managed and eventually becomes easier if you do it right. They always get excited to chase small animals, birds, and tennis balls with great determination and ferocity and hence cause a lot of chaos. It is therefore better to use your mind rather than your stick for this challenging task.
Start when your Dachshund is a puppy. There are two types of training that you can give your Dachshund. One is behavioral and the other is obedience. Before any kind of training, allow your Dachshund to warm up. Allow him free space to run and jump as this will help him to become flexible. Behavioral training is the one which corrects bad habits that your little Dachshund may have developed such as begging, chasing cars, jumping on people, barking uncontrollably and so on. Pet correctors available in the market are sprays which emit a hissing sound of a snake or geese which annoys your pets. You can use them to show your dismay when he does such things but make sure that your doggie does not see you using such aids as it will make him associate the sound with you and not his wrong activities.
Obedience training sessions are frequent sessions of 15 minutes duration before you feed your doggie. In this manner your Dachshund will feel that you praise and treat it after the training session. Do not make these sessions very long as your Dachshund will get bored very soon. Give him commands like sit, stop, come, stay, bed and so on. Try linking these commands with a popular activity so that your Dachshund learns fast. For example, you can relate 'come' with mealtimes. You can also tie him with a leash and walk away, then turn and say 'come', pull the leash so that he comes to you. The command 'sit' can be initially given by pushing his rump (gently) to the floor. He will gradually understand that he needs to sit when you give him this command. You can teach him to stay by giving him the command 'stay' and pulling the leash for him to stop. To make your Dachshund sleep on his own bed, you can start by placing treats on his beds. Start with this method and afterward point to his bed and give the command 'bed'. He will learn all these commands in not much time. Treat and praise him if he listens to your commands. In this manner your Dachshund will be under your control. Once your Dachshund knows that he belongs to the family, it becomes easier to train them as they become more responsive to your commands.
Exercise is important for your Dachshunds. You can make him run around the block or park or you can play games like fetch the ball. This time allows your relationship with the dog to evolve as your dog feels closer to you when you perform such tasks with him. Spending quality time together will help you immensely. Mutual trust, respect and love are very important factors determining the relationship between you and your Dachshund.
You can even train your Dachshunds to perform tricks like shaking hands and waving. Say the word 'shake' while you reach behind their front paw and tickle the hollow spot. When they lift their paw, shake it and give them a treat. Do this over and over again; soon they will start lifting their paw without you having to tickle behind their leg. You can teach them to wave only after teaching them how to shake hands. Give the command 'shake wave' but don't shake their paw. Reach for their paw and just let them touch your hand then pull your hand away. As they start to wave, give them a treat and praise them.
Due to their shape, Daschunds needs to excrete waste matter quite often so that there is minimal pressure on the bladder and colon. Potty training is therefore very important for this breed. Train your Dachshund to eliminate after each meal. One method that I read about is the crate method. Usually a Dachshund will wake up in the morning, whining and crying, indicating that it wants to relieve itself. Take him out of the crate in some open area and let him do his business. Feed him breakfast after this and take him out again. Continue with this process of taking him out every time after meals and then putting him back into the crate and you will notice that he will develop a habit of going out on his own when he wants to eliminate.
Well, I hope these tips help you in training up your cute Dachshunds. Don't forget to praise them when they do the right thing and you will make them happy and cheerful at all times.
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Dog Giving Birth Video
If you love dogs, join Facebook's Dog Nation at: (now over 16000 fans and growing fast!) Colors such as "Green" mentioned in the video refer to the soft colored yarn we played around on each one to identify them until they got names from their new owners. This video only shows the 1st birth. Please see parts 2 and 3 for the other 4 births!Watch all 8 videos, from birth through 9 weeks. This is the 1st of 8 videos of five cute Maltese puppies from birth to 9 weeks old. These puppies were born on January 19th 2005.
Visit Muffins Facebook page at: Dogs birth behaviors are related to wolfs because dogs were domesticated from the gray wolf thousands of years ago. In the wild - female wolves eat the newborn's placenta which provides a valuable meal when she is unable to hunt while caring for her pups! The mother will clean the pups by licking which stimulates them to urinate and defecate by licking the genital region. She swallows all of their excretions, keeping the den clean and odor-free. More about wolf pups
Watch a pregnant dog, expecting 5 puppies, in labor give birth during welping!!! This dog birth and development of this Maltese breed is similar to dogs such as Yorkshire Terrier, Boxer, Schnauzer, Irish Setter, Westie Terrier, Corgi, Golden Retriever, Labrador, Poodle, Beagle, Bichon, Beagle, Shih Tzu, Collie, German Shepherd, Pomeranian, Pug, Whippet, Chihuahua, Dachshund, Bull, Pomeranians, Rottweilers, Golden ...
Common Health Problems Among Golden Retrievers
Distemper virus
The distemper virus is an airborne disease that poses a high risk. This virus can be prevented by getting your Golden 3 different vaccinations when he is between 6 and 16 weeks of age, along with his regular annual booster shot. The symptoms from this virus include fever, cough, diarrhea, and vomiting. If your Golden Retriever has these symptoms, you should immediately take him to see the vet.
Heartworms are among the most common ailment with all dog breeds. They can reach lengths of up to 12 inches in the heart and the lung arteries, leading to heart failure, a decrease in blood circulation, and even death in some cases. The symptoms with heartworms may not appear until it is too late, so you are better off preventing them with the correct heartworm medicines.
During the summer months or hot days, your Golden Retriever can get a heatstroke. You can prevent this from happening by giving your dog plenty of water, and never leaving him in direct sunlight. If you are playing together on a hot day, you should give him plenty of time to rest so he doesn’t overdo it. The symptoms indicating a heatstroke include a lot of panting or drooling, dark gums, a glazed expression, rapid pulse, and even vomiting. If your dog starts to show any of these symptoms, you should immediately take him to the vet.
Rabies is one of the more serious ailments that your Golden Retriever can get, as it has an adverse affect on your dog’s nervous system. Normally, dogs get rabies through a bite of another animal that is infected with the disease. There are rabies shots that helps to prevent the disease, and your dog should get them at least once a year. The symptoms of rabies include seizures, aggression, and foaming at the mouth. If you suspect your Golden has rabies, you should call the vet immediately.
Tapeworms are normally caused by fleas, and affect your dog’s stomach. The symptoms for tapeworms include a loss in weight, diarrhea, and even biting of the rectal area. You can easily prevent your Golden from tapeworms by using a rigid flea control. If your Golden Retriever exhibits symptoms for tapeworms, you should take him to the vet immediately. If the vet catches them in time, he may be able to kill the tapeworms with an oral medicine.
Hookworms result from your Golden coming in contact with feces, his mother, or the worm simply burrowing under exposed skin. You can prevent your dog from getting hookworms by cleaning his living area and keeping his skin clean. The symptoms that accompany hookworms include a dry coat, weight loss, weakness, and blood in the stool. As with all other ailments, you should immediately contact your vet if your Golden Retriever starts to show any of these symptoms.
Although these are just some of the most common ailments for Golden Retrievers, there are other ailments and health problems that your dog can get. If your Golden starts to show any signs of ailment, disease, or health problem, you shouldn’t hesitate to contact your vet and set up an appointment. Some of these diseases and ailments can be pretty serious - although they can be treated if you catch them in time.
Dog Training Tips for New Puppy Owners
So you don't frustrate you or your dog keep training sessions to about 15 minutes, you should always praise your dog when he is doing good and end a training session on a good note.
When talking about consistency that includes taking your puppy out to potty, or walk. Try to take your dog out to potty at the same time everyday and when you walk do the same. Your dog will expect this and may have accidents when you are late.
Dogs get bored and when they are bored they become destructive this is probably why they are chewing up your stuff. To avoid this make sure you exercise and play with your dog to keep him busy. Get your dog high quality toys that don't resemble items you don't want them to chew on, for example slippers.
While it may seem cruel to some, crate training is the best thing you can do for your dog. You may not know it but dogs instinctively don't potty when in their "den". Never use the crate as a source of discipline, it's where your dog goes to get away from it all, and stay when you are out. Do not leave your dog in the crate for hours at a time if you do it will seem like punishment.
Puppies like children put stuff in their mouths they shouldn't, one of the first training commands you should teach your puppy is to leave it or drop it. Pick one of the commands and use it whenever they have something in their mouth that is a danger to them or one of your belongings.
Do you remember when you were a kid and your mom used your first, middle and last name, you knew you were in trouble. Use your dog's name in positive manner otherwise he may associate his name with being punished and will not come when you call.
If you begin a routine and stay consistent, be patient your dog will understand what the rules are. Boundaries are important for both you an your dog as it will reduce stress on the both of you.
What Are Heartworms?
Are heartworms curable?
Yes, they are and close to 100% percent preventable.
What are the signs that my doggie may have heartworms?
A few active dogs show early signs and symptoms by coughing particularly following exercise, and the dog tires out easily, other pet dogs demonstrate no signs in any way. After the heartworms grow to adults and spread towards the cardiovascular system this is when you could possibly notice more severe symptoms.
What medication is prescribed for heartworms?
The drug Ivermectin or Milbemycon oxime is oftentimes used to prevent heartworms.
How do dogs get heartworms?
Your dog can only acquire heartworms through a mosquito carrying the parasite. Heartworms are not transmittable from one dog to another one, so if you have one pet dog that is infected the other dog is not going to contract heartworms unless of course bitten by another infected mosquito. Once bitten it takes about six to seven months to work its way through your dog system, and testing for heartworms during this period will not help, the heartworms won't show up until later on.
Is the medication for heartworms for other types of worms too?
Yes, and no this will depend on the medication some can be used to treat other parasites.
Heartguard (Ivermectin) is for heartworms only, Heartguard plus is made for heartworms, hookworms and roundworms.
Interceptor (milbemycin oxime) a second brand for taking care of heartworms is also for hookworms, roundworms, and whipworms in dogs and puppies.
Last but not least there is the brand Sentinel with the active ingredient in Interceptor plus they add lufenuron which sterilizes those horrible fleas.
Is there one region that heartworms are more widespread?
As a matter of fact the southern part of the United States was where heartworms showed up the most, where mosquitos are more rampant. Now virtually all states are reporting heartworms, some cases have been noted as far away as Japan. Where there are mosquito's you will find heartworms too.
What is the best way to guard against heartworms?
Honestly the easiest way to steer clear of heartworms is to start your puppy or doggie on prophylactic treatment. The average cost to treat your pet is generally about 50 - 90 bucks yearly, the bigger the dog the more costly. Heartworm medication is in the form of monthly pills, a 6 month shot twice a year or those liquid spot treatments you apply on your dogs’ neck like flea meds. Remember if you start adding treatment for the additional parasite preventatives (hookworms, roundworms, fleas) the cost can go up.
Once your pet has a confirmed case of heartworms then it becomes real expensive to help remedy. And not just that, when your pet dog is in treatment you need to do your best to keep your pet dog from physical exercise and overexerting themselves as it can cause death.
Since mosquito's are more common in summer can I stop treatment in the winter?
While it sounds like a sensible way to save cash if you are giving your dog year round treatment and fail to remember in the month of let's say in December your pet ought to be fine. But if you continue to fail to remember then your dog has a much greater opportunity to contract heartworms.
I really hope that clarified the questions you had about heartworms, you should for your dog's sake go to your vet get them examined then start right away on heartworm medication.
Dachshund Training Tips - 5 Techniques for Obedient Dachshund Training Sessions
Crate Training: Dachshund Training can be a little easier by using a crate. Although you may not want to put your puppy in a crate, they actually like the crate. It acts as their den, their place of comfort. Crate training is great because it helps cut down or even prevent potty accidents.
Potty Training: Potty training is the first type of training a new little puppy will encounter. This part of Dachshund Training should start right when you bring your new dog home. Making sure to take your puppy outside to potty every 45 minutes to an hour is very important. Be sure to try to go out the same door and take your puppy to the same potty spot each time, as this will make it easier for your puppy to catch on.
Obedience Training: One of the most basic parts of Dachshund Training is teaching them obedience. Be sure to start this training very early on. Obedience training is very essential to your dog, as a disobeying dog can be very hard to live with. Be sure to teach your pup the basics, like 'sit, stay, down, and come.'
These four commands are very important and will do a lot for you and your dog. Knowing these basic commands can help keep your dachshund safe. You will definitely need patience when training dachshunds because they are known to be very independent dogs. They love treats and a lot of praise, so be sure to use these helpful tools when your dog listens to your commands. Puppies get bored too, so try to keep the training enjoyable for the both of you, and try not to make it too long to where you and your dog get frustrated and tired.
Prevention Training: Dachshund Training is very important because it can take the route of prevention. You will want to work on breaking bad habits such as jumping on people, running through doors as soon as they are open, digging his way out of your yard, and excessive barking. Breaking these habits will help keep your dachshund safer. Puppy proofing your house is very important for the safety and well being of your dachshund.
Fun Training: Dachshund Training doesn't always have to be just about boundaries and rules. It can consist of fun training as well! Fun training is where you teach your dachshund how to do tricks and play games. Be sure to teach your puppy the basic obedience commands first though. That's how they will be able to learn these new and fun tricks. What tricks you want to teach your pup is up to you. A few are teaching them to sit up, wave goodbye, and shake.
Dachshund Training is very important and should start as soon as you bring your new pup home. Although training your dog can be a bit of a challenging process due to their strong will and independence, these great dogs are very intelligent and want to please their owner. Remember that healthy treats and a lot of praise go a long way in Dachshund Training. Being patient, calm, assertive, and consistent is the key to successful Dachshund Training.
And now I'd like to offer you a Free Training Guide, just click here: Dachshund Training
Enjoy the new puppy and be sure to get more tips, tools and training at
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Adorable Puppies Playing Video
This is really a cute video and these little Yorkie puppies are having a blast.In the video they show a ball pit they are made for kids but it looks like the puppies are truly enjoying it too! Here's a link to ball pits if you want to take a look at them for your dog. To have a set up similar to the video you would need an extra tunnel and a pack of balls. Of course you can use toys in place of the balls if you choose too. One idea is to get the ball pit first and if your dog likes playing in it then expand.
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Just imagine puppies instead of children! |
Selecting Your Golden Puppy
Some breeders may require that you put a deposit down on the puppy of your choice, if the puppies aren’t a certain number of weeks old. The good litters rarely go unsold, as most are already spoken for before the puppies are seven weeks old. If you want to get in on a good litter, your best bet is to get to your breeder early - before all of the puppies are sold.
When you arrive to get your puppy, you shouldn’t be alarmed if the breeder does the selecting for you. Most quality breeders will spend quite a bit of time with the puppies and they will know just what their individual temperaments are. The better breeders however, will do temperament tests to determine the temperament of the puppies they have with each and every litter.
By performing these tests, the breeder will get assistance in selecting which puppy goes to which type of home. If you’ve chosen one of the better breeders, you should let him do his work and help you select the puppy that he or she thinks will be your best match. Breeders can obviously select you a better puppy, as they have been around the litter for several weeks - and you have only been around the litter looking at them for a few minutes.
Although all Golden puppies are appealing to the eyes, you need to base your reasons on more than looks. Before you pick your puppy up, you should always make sure that he has a strong build, with straight legs. The puppy should be strong and muscular, yet be squirmy and active when you first try to pick him up. You should also make sure that he has healthy teeth and gums, and look over the rest of his body to make sure that he is healthy.
If your breeder does allow you to select your puppy from the litter, then you should take the puppies that you are considering to get away from the remainder of the litter and observe each one carefully, and how they react to you. Puppies that are around 7 weeks of age should be apt to explore their surroundings. Even though they may be a little cautious at first, the puppies should still be more than anxious to look around and sniff their surroundings.
When you single out the puppies, make sure you speak to the ones you are interested in and see how they react to your voice. Try moving around and playing with them, and see how they respond to you. Some puppies will be faster than others, although you shouldn’t pursue any interest in a puppy that doesn’t show any interest in moving objects or their surroundings.
If you take your time and evaluate each puppy that you are interested in, you can find the best puppy for you and your family. Golden Retriever puppies are great to have, providing you get one that’s healthy. Getting a healthy puppy should be your desire - as a healthy puppy will grow into a strong and healthy adult - and be around for years to come.
Traveling With Your Golden Retriever
Golden Retrievers love to be included in family activities, which includes take rides in the car and traveling. They love attention, and love for you to treat them just like they are a member of your family. When you first get your Golden Retriever puppy, you’ll have to teach him how to enjoy car rides and traveling, so he can come to appreciate it more as he gets older.
When you decide to take him traveling for the first time, you should always give him food in small amounts throughout the day, while he adjusts to traveling. If you feed him a lot of food before you head out, he may get sick in the car and have an accident. By reducing the amount of food that he consumes, he’ll be much more in control of his bladder and himself.
When you are traveling, always plan to make frequent rest stops and allow your Golden Retriever time to relieve himself. You should also take some time to exercise as well, stopping every few hours for bathroom breaks and exercise. Golden Retrievers will hold themselves if they need to, although it isn’t good for them. No matter how far you travel, you should always be kind to your dog and stop every so often to let him have some time.
A common mistake that many have made, and one you should avoid at all costs, is letting your Golden ride in a moving vehicle with his head out the window. Although you may think this is a good idea, your Golden can easily get an eye, ear, or nose injury. Cars and trucks move at very fast speeds, and something can pop up when you least expect it and do serious damage to your dog.
When you stop for a break or to fill up your car, you should never allow your Golden Retriever to be alone in the car with the windows up. Even though you may crack the windows for him, the heat of summer can result in a heat stroke if you aren’t careful. If your dog does get a heatstroke from being locked up in a hot car, he can easily die before you are able to return to the car. If you simply must leave your dog in the car, make sure that you park in the shade and give him plenty of air.
As long as you do your part and take care of your Golden Retriever when you travel, he will love to travel with you. Traveling is something that your Golden needs to get used to, although most adapt to it fairly quick. Once you have taken your dog traveling with you, he will know when it’s time to travel and eventually learn to tell you when you need to stop so he can use the bathroom.
Madeline Dachshund Puppy with Crab
Is this not the cutest little dachshund her name is Madeline, I wish she was my girlfriend and she would chase me instead!
Dog Grooming Books Make Good Guides
Dog grooming books are a great learning material for people who want to groom their pets at home without having to regularly pay for professional services. Then, dog grooming books represent a good course support for anyone who takes classes or attends a training program to get certification and licensing. The number of publications is very large, and you may have difficulties choosing. The best idea is to check for reviews, author's recognition and then order the material on eBay. A special place among dog grooming books is occupied by e-guides and other materials available for download on the Internet. Here are a few tips to help you select well.
First of all, why are you looking for dog grooming books? Do you plan to start a business or are you merely interested in learning how to care for your pet? In case you want to develop skills for business purposes it is worth mentioning the fact that studying dog grooming books is not enough; you'll need qualifications from an institution specialized in dog grooming training. Then, check the list of contents! Most books are general in the approach, because they apply to different dog breeds. Try to identify the grooming element that raises most challenges for you: nail trimming, coat brushing, hair cutting or ear cleaning.
See how well developed sections are in the various dog grooming books that you come across. You may not need a few paragraphs but whole chapters dedicated to various topics or subtopics. Depending on the author and the aim of the book, some materials will focus on supplies or equipment, others on grooming techniques while many will follow a general course. Specialized books deserve all of our attention, because many professional groomers provide solutions to home dog grooming through individual publications dedicated to a certain topic only, which is discussed in detail.
There are dog grooming books that focus on short-haired breeds only, while others cover medium and long-haired breeds. Moreover, very professional materials will describe hair cut options available for dogs with heavy coats, but this kind of dog grooming books target professional groomers first and foremost. Last but not least, certain breeds have physiological peculiarities that require special grooming. This is the case with dog breeds that have lots of hair in their eye area. Someone inexperienced may feel inclined to cut it so as to improve vision, but this could be really detrimental for the dog's eye health. Good dog grooming books may teach you about such cases and lots of others!
Determining The Right Dog Training Strategy For You
For dogs that chew inappropriately, try a training aid like a liquid that has a strong, bitter taste. Many pet stores sell holistic products that taste terrible to most dogs. Some people choose to steep pepper flakes in water in a spray bottle instead. Either way you choose to go, a bitter or spicy deterrent on furniture, shoes, or other items that you don't want your dog chewing or eating can stop this behavior in its tracks.
When training your dog, it is vital that you have a lot of patience. You can not expect your dog to understand your commands within a few training sessions. It takes some time in order to raise a well-mannered dog. Think about what it's like when you are trying to learn something new. It's not easy.
While training your dog, it is important to maintain a calm voice, even if you feel frustrated. If you get angry, your pet is not going to enjoy learning and will not respond well to your commands. Your dog should enjoy the training process rather than dread it.
When you are working on crate training with your new dog or puppy one should always take steps to let them know it's their home. At meal times always put their bowl of food inside the crate leaving the door open the whole time while they are eating. Thus they will associate a good thing like yummy food with the crate.
While dog training is incredibly important in order to integrate your dog into your family, it is also important that you spend fun, relaxed time with your dog as well. If you do not, the dog will be very well behaved, but it will also lose some of its personality and spirit.
The diet you are feeding your dog needs to match their needs and activity level. The diet that is right for a working dog is a lot different from that of a dog that lounges around the house all day. Talk with your vet regarding what is right for your pup and don't forget their needs will change as they age.
An important dog training tip is to use the pet's name whenever you are trying to get its attention. You need to get your pet used to responding to you when you call it by name. Use the pet's name when you feed it, take it for walks and play with it. Randomly call your pet to you by name several times throughout the day, and then reward it for coming when called. Never call your pet by its name to come to you only to be punished.
Be consistent when training a dog. A dog does not understand why sometimes hanging out on the couch is allowed, but other times results in a scolding. Decide what the rules are, and stick to them every time. Soon your dog will know what to expect and want to please you by doing the right thing (and receiving the occasional praise and even a treat or two for getting caught doing well.)
To teach your dog to lie down, have him start in a sit position. Take a treat, and place your hand on the ground. Slowly drag it away from your dog. Your dog should initially lower his nose to the ground, and then lie down as he tries to follow the treat further away. If he stands up instead of lying down, have him restart from the sit position. Make sure to praise him once he lies down.
An easy way to stop a puppy from biting is to act hurt when he or she nibbles at you. By startling your puppy with a noise and leaving the room, your puppy begins to learn that biting has negative consequences in the form that you will stop playing with it.
As noted previously, bonding with your dog is an important part of your relationship. By reading the article and taking note of the information, you can build a better relationship with your dog. It can also be an enjoyable part of your relationship as you both learn from each other and have fun interacting
Discover Dog Training Secrets Of The Pros
A dog is considered by many to be a man's best friend, but training a dog is very different from loving or caring for one. Just like anything, learning the proper tips and techniques to train you dog will make your dog better behaved and more enjoyable to be around. This article contains a number of great tips on dog training.
Make sure you listen to your dog. What is he telling you? Your dog's behavior will often give you a window into his mind. Destructive dogs are often bored or anxious. Anxious dogs may act inconsistently with strangers. No matter the trouble, your dog is telling you how he feels when he behaves in situations.
It's easy to let your dog run free when you bring him home for those first few weeks, only to want to later correct behaviors when they aren't adorable anymore. Avoid communication breakdown by starting your training schedule immediately with your new dog, so he has the right idea from the start.
Dogs and puppies that exhibit play biting behavior can be both irritating and dangerous. Although play biting is a normal dog behavior, it is important to teach your dog that mouthy play is unacceptable. When your puppy nips you playfully, make a loud noise and move away, ignoring the puppy. This will teach bite inhibition in a way the puppy understands.
The top mistake any dog owner can make during training is giving up. Giving up too quickly and too easily means that you've given up on your dog's abilities. Your dog needs time, patience, and consistency to grow. Continue working on behaviors in small doses. Your pooch is eager to please, so let him work alongside you.
Watch what sort of activities you are encouraging your dog to do. Sometimes we may perform actions with our dog without realizing that they are training them to do something we dislike. If every time your dog chews something up you send him outside, you are teaching him that chewing something up is the key to getting outdoor time. Be careful with the actions you take, especially ones that tend to be consistent practices.
Be aware of your body language when you are with your dog. Animals are keenly aware of it, and pay more attention to your actions than they do your words. Make sure that you are sending the intended messages of authority and unconditional love to your dog at all times.
Stay calm. Your dog gets his cues from you, and when you start acting agitated and upset, his actions will be sure to follow. Dogs can sense when you are uncomfortable. If you act calm and in control, you convey a disposition to your dog that allows him to relax as well.
Be consistent at all times when training your dog. Dogs need repetition when it comes to learning and remembering rules and rituals. If you are consistent one day, but not the next day, it confuses your dog. Dogs understand consistent black and white training, not various shades of gray.
When training a dog it is important to reward good behavior while punishing bad behavior. Careful effort to maintain a clear distinction between good and bad behavior will go a long way towards overall training of the dog. This will guarantee that the dog knows why it is being rewarded or why it is being punished.
Does your dog jump up on you? Simply turn your back to your dog for a few seconds when she jumps up. Most dogs will quickly learn that jumping up makes you ignore them, but when they have all four feet on the floor, then you pay attention to them.
When training a pet, it's best to start out by giving them a treat every time they do what you want them to. After they get the hang of it, back off the treats and only give them a treat 75% of the time, and continue reducing treats until they only get one occasionally.
As this article has discussed, taking care of or training a dog can be a wonderful experience. However, the dog training process can be challenging if you are not aware of the proper techniques to utilize. Apply this article's advice and you'll be well on your way to training your dog the right way
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