Training A Dachshund
Dachshunds are short-legged, long-bodied dogs belonging to the hound family. Owing to their long narrow build, they are often called sausage dogs. They are clever, lively and courageous with all their senses well-developed. They are also very tolerant and loyal to the children of the house. Training a Dachshund is a slightly difficult task though it can be managed and eventually becomes easier if you do it right. They always get excited to chase small animals, birds, and tennis balls with great determination and ferocity and hence cause a lot of chaos. It is therefore better to use your mind rather than your stick for this challenging task.
Start when your Dachshund is a puppy. There are two types of training that you can give your Dachshund. One is behavioral and the other is obedience. Before any kind of training, allow your Dachshund to warm up. Allow him free space to run and jump as this will help him to become flexible. Behavioral training is the one which corrects bad habits that your little Dachshund may have developed such as begging, chasing cars, jumping on people, barking uncontrollably and so on. Pet correctors available in the market are sprays which emit a hissing sound of a snake or geese which annoys your pets. You can use them to show your dismay when he does such things but make sure that your doggie does not see you using such aids as it will make him associate the sound with you and not his wrong activities.
Obedience training sessions are frequent sessions of 15 minutes duration before you feed your doggie. In this manner your Dachshund will feel that you praise and treat it after the training session. Do not make these sessions very long as your Dachshund will get bored very soon. Give him commands like sit, stop, come, stay, bed and so on. Try linking these commands with a popular activity so that your Dachshund learns fast. For example, you can relate 'come' with mealtimes. You can also tie him with a leash and walk away, then turn and say 'come', pull the leash so that he comes to you. The command 'sit' can be initially given by pushing his rump (gently) to the floor. He will gradually understand that he needs to sit when you give him this command. You can teach him to stay by giving him the command 'stay' and pulling the leash for him to stop. To make your Dachshund sleep on his own bed, you can start by placing treats on his beds. Start with this method and afterward point to his bed and give the command 'bed'. He will learn all these commands in not much time. Treat and praise him if he listens to your commands. In this manner your Dachshund will be under your control. Once your Dachshund knows that he belongs to the family, it becomes easier to train them as they become more responsive to your commands.
Exercise is important for your Dachshunds. You can make him run around the block or park or you can play games like fetch the ball. This time allows your relationship with the dog to evolve as your dog feels closer to you when you perform such tasks with him. Spending quality time together will help you immensely. Mutual trust, respect and love are very important factors determining the relationship between you and your Dachshund.
You can even train your Dachshunds to perform tricks like shaking hands and waving. Say the word 'shake' while you reach behind their front paw and tickle the hollow spot. When they lift their paw, shake it and give them a treat. Do this over and over again; soon they will start lifting their paw without you having to tickle behind their leg. You can teach them to wave only after teaching them how to shake hands. Give the command 'shake wave' but don't shake their paw. Reach for their paw and just let them touch your hand then pull your hand away. As they start to wave, give them a treat and praise them.
Due to their shape, Daschunds needs to excrete waste matter quite often so that there is minimal pressure on the bladder and colon. Potty training is therefore very important for this breed. Train your Dachshund to eliminate after each meal. One method that I read about is the crate method. Usually a Dachshund will wake up in the morning, whining and crying, indicating that it wants to relieve itself. Take him out of the crate in some open area and let him do his business. Feed him breakfast after this and take him out again. Continue with this process of taking him out every time after meals and then putting him back into the crate and you will notice that he will develop a habit of going out on his own when he wants to eliminate.
Well, I hope these tips help you in training up your cute Dachshunds. Don't forget to praise them when they do the right thing and you will make them happy and cheerful at all times.
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