Dog Food for All Stages of Life
Organix Organix Puppy Dry Dog Food, 14.5-Pound | Newman's Own Organics Adult Dog Food Formula, 12.5-Pound Bag | Newman's Own Advanced Dog Chicken & Rice Formula For Active Or Senior Dogs Dry Dog Food |
As dogs age they have different nutritional needs, puppies need more milk and addition to milk they need larger amount of nutrients like, fat, carbs and protein to grow strong bones and healthy muscles. Besides that they need to eat more often too. Adult dogs do not require milk at all but need a well balanced diet especially for active dogs.
However, when your dog gets to his or her senior years they need less food or they will start to put on the pounds. Not only is this unhealthy but it puts your dog at risk for joint problems, plus the overfeeding of protein could cause renal problems.
Let's not forget about pregnant and nursing dogs too, they have special requirements it takes a lot out of a mother to nurse her puppies. You must replenish the nutrients to keep her energy levels up plus meet the nutritional demands of the puppies so they will be healthy.
So it is safe to say that at different ages dogs have diet requirements. Thankfully they make food for all stages of the life of your dog. Pet food companies are starting to make more natural dog food because just like people pets don’t need extra preservatives either.
To top it all off just as important as feeding you dog in whichever stage of life is providing your dog with fresh filtered water like the kind you can get from a pet fountain.
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