Sunday, July 22, 2012

Teach You Dog Well With These Tips

teach you dog well with these tips You want to train a dog to suit your particular needs, but are not sure what type of breed will best suit your training style and anticipated results. Many dogs are unsuitable for certain activities, while others excel. This article will go into detail as to what dog is best for you.

Sometimes, getting down to your dog's level will help you understand his thought process. Dogs that are skittish may be more sensitive to unusual shapes on familiar routes. These things sometimes escape human eyes, since our eye-level is much taller than a dog's. Try looking at things from his level to get an idea of what's going on.

Your puppy or adult dog should always be deterred from chewing on his leash. Not only is this behavior potentially unsafe, but it may stem from the dog being frustrated by being on leash in the first place. Distract the dog and reward any times he isn't chewing. Using his other commands is useful in times like these!

When you are training your dog, you should always make sure that you are in charge. Dogs are creatures that thrive on dominance. If they feel they are the dominant one, they will never listen to your commands. However, when you show dominance, they will show respect towards you and follow your commands.

Chewing is one of the most destructive and distressing dog behaviors. Training your dog to not chew on inappropriate items will save your property, and might save your pet's life. Try to keep tempting items out of your dog's reach, preventing the problem before it begins. You might also try spraying "bitter" pet deterrent sprays on valuables that can't be moved.

When you are training your dog, never use a command he knows as a punishment. For example, if your dog needs a time out, do not put him in his crate. It may create a negative association for him. Another example is when you call your dog to you to be punished. This hurts his chances of completing successful recalls in the future.

Train your dog according to the role he or she will play! Dogs that are going to be used for police work - or in search and rescue - are trained using methods that will strengthen the drive they naturally have. Use their favorite toy as a reward! The goal is to have a dog that will work for extended periods of time because he or she knows that they will get play time when the work is done!

When training your dog it is important that you are positive and upbeat. You should always focus on rewarding your dog for what he has done right, rahter than punishing him for what he has done wrong. Punishing your dog is not the best way to train your dog. The only thing that punishment and cruelty does is teach your dog to be afraid of you.

Never reward negative behavior. Many dog owners have difficulty training their pet. When a long training session has ended and there has been no progress, they might find themselves tempted to reward their dog anyway. Even if you love your dog dearly, never reward their bad or undesirable behavior.

When training your dog, it is best to use one word commands so as not to confuse your pet. For example, say "sit" instead of "sit down", "stay" instead of "don't move." This way there is no chance of your canine misinterpreting what you are asking it to do. Use a firm voice when giving commands, but do not yell and frighten your animal.

Being patient, yet persistent and assertive is the key to training your dog to behave well. Obedience comes with rewards and punishments, and you can't give up or the dog won't change. Make sure the dog gets time outdoors to play and expend energy, and realize that it takes time to train.

In conclusion, there are many different types of dog breeds out there, and choosing the one that best suits your needs is essential. As long as you follow the recommendations for which specific dog breed to choose for a particular training type, you should be happy with the results


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